Manual Workshops




Among the sisters' activities, embroidery and lace-making play an important
role. While some of the pieces created are decorative, most of them are
intended for the divine liturgy. "Nothing is too precious for the Good Lord"
said the holy Curé of Ars. The works are made with precious fabrics,
silk, threads in silver and gold... and above all, a lot of time and patience!



"After the architecture that raises temples, there may be no art that contributes more to the splendor of divine worship than religious embroidery, whose mission is to adorn altars and enrich the vestments of the ministers of the sanctuary. We know that in all the centuries of the Church, the most illustrious princesses have taken to heart the cultivation of these religious embroideries, as if their faith could not suffer seeing more richness and taste in their own adornments than in the vestments of the representatives of the Church at the solemn moments when they form around the altar the heavenly court of the King of kings.” Album of religious embroidery by A. Martin



Embroidery is a decorative art that consists in adding onto fabric either a flat or a raised design made of simple threads, sometimes integrating materials such as sequins, pearls or even precious stones.


broderie calice



broderie pale01



Lace is a fabric without weft or warp, usually made of silk or linen thread, hand-made with similar or different stitches, fdentelle soeurorming different patterns.





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